" Candid Moose"

“ Candid Moose” (Canada Dry) 48” x 48” acrylic on wood panel

I was commissioned to revisit a subject which I found most interesting. My version of the great Canadian icon reflects my deep belief in the inclusiveness of Canada as a society. The international reputation of the gentle giant of the true North has taken a beating of late with divisive rhetoric being given a dangerous platform by those who want to proliferate notions of a loosely knit federation on the brink of collapse.
The truth is that Canada may be stronger today than at any other time in history.
Enough politics. Back to the moose.
Back in the seventies, a then young Charlie Pachter (one of my favourite Canadian painters) envisioned the late Queen riding on a moose. That piece, with its unbridled dry humour and rudimentary freestyle looseness embodied the Canadian persona. It had a deep impact on me as an artist despite the ire it drew from the critics. It is now a national treasure.
My Canada Dry moose draws upon the rich tapestry of modern Canada for inspiration. As the great animal stops to refresh and drink, it rises out of the depths in a triumphant show of colour. The great crown stretches from “sea to sea”.
You just know that this is a benevolent moose.
Many thanks to the collectors who own the Candid Moose. It is truly an honour.


"Baby You're Much Too Fast"

