The 72"x72" canvas which is the opening act of 2022 is more of a collection of all that I have learned so far. It is, in a word, an Anthology. A summary of nuances and technical details which have preoccupied me in my sojourn into deeper abstraction. The constant flux between less is more and more is more- more or less. The struggle to deal with the illusion that you are controlling the narrative when you realize that something else is ultimately pulling the strings, and as an artist you are more vessel than wind. There are no bests, or champions in art. Context assures that every piece has its day in the limelight. Each piece has its own qualities. Once in a blue moon a piece comes along which encompasses, or summarizes or begins a new series. Anthology is such a piece. It bears the scars
of over four decades of obsessive contemplation of the nature of abstract painting as I have lived it thus far. The time spent in brutalist architecture and finding comfort there. The time studying the greats of the 20th century and finding comfort in their courage. The time teaching Art and finding inspiration in the optimism of youth. The time spent wondering and staring at a blank canvas and wondering: Where do I begin?
It is 2022...I am just getting started...