" Heart of L.A. (Ciao, Kobe)"

“Heart of L.A. (Ciao ,Kobe) 56” x 46” Acrylic and mixed media on wood panel (Private Collection)

“Heart of L.A. (Ciao ,Kobe) 56” x 46” Acrylic and mixed media on wood panel (Private Collection)

 As it is with all iconic figures tragically having left this life, the requests for commemorative art after their passing is overwhelming.  I am very particular about the subjects I choose to honour as I must have some feeling of connection in order to immerse myself completely as an artist, and without reservation or over-contemplation. 

I chose not to dwell on the tragedy, or the well-deserved emotional overload which accompanies the sudden loss of nine lives so relevant to their communities.  I did this deliberately, and with total respect.  I chose Kobe only.  Kobe, the flawed human, who through doing what he did best, inspired so many to rise above mediocrity.  How he lived was the message.  Overcoming adversity. Beating the odds.  Improving as you continue to live in all the important areas of life: family, mentorship, charity, accountability, duty, ethics, taking responsibility.  Standing up to be counted upon. Setting an example for future generations.  It's funny-nothing that truly matters when we remember involves bling of any kind- true riches have more to do with character, and learning from one's mistakes.  The central message is clear: "We can always kind of be average, and do what's normal.  I'm not in this to do what's normal.  Everything negative-pressure, challenges- is all an opportunity for me to rise".

It is a message that perhaps resonates even more in a difficult time.  It summons up courage, determination and the spirit necessary to overcome- and thrive.

Many thanks to the collector who commissioned : "Heart of L.A.:"Ciao, Kobe".....may it deliver a daily dose of positivity!




