

The universe has a way. As it turns out, the "unlikeliest" of commissions came as a truly welcomed diversion from across the globe. As the conversation went back and forth between the collector and our curator, it became apparent we were dealing with a person with a passion for good design, art and life itself. It soon became clear that we had much in common.

I thought about our common ancestry- from a tiny spit of land called Calabria to two huge nations in Canada and Australia. The irony might be that if we broke into our ancient dialect, we might actually understand each other. Those languages have all but disappeared in Calabria, despite efforts to preserve them. Lord knows it would take some time to pick up on the Aussie accent. I'm sure he'd also have a tough time talkin' Canadian eh? But a common culture can span time and space. Art and music do the same.

And so I am toasting the completion of "Blissful" with a panino and a glass of Barbaresco. She'll soon be on her way down under to adorn the wall of a beautifully designed home for a young and happy family.

Grazie mille, e tanti saluti !


P.S....ahhh...that was good. Topping it off with a canoli, and espresso sambuca. Salute!

"Blissful" 40x48 acrylic on canvas, 2019 by Pietro Adamo. Private Commission, Sydney, Australia


Hampton Gallery Solo Show


Sunshine Smile